Kolhapur Medical Camp is Socio-cultural Activity Undertaken by Shree Aniruddh Upasana Foundation (SAUF). SAUF was incorporated as a charitable organization under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, in April 2005. From the time of its inception, apart from pursuing its principal object of caring out upasana of sadguru shree aniruddh Bapu, SAUF along with its sister organisations such as Shree Aniruddha Aadesh Pathak (SAAP), Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management(AADM), etc. all Of which are registered charitable organisation, has undertaken various socio-cultural activities, with Divine blessings and inspiration of Param pujya Sadguru Aniruddh Bapu.Kohlapur Medical CampFor the Welfare of the people in rural area's medical camps are being conducted. For the past five years, unique mega medical camp is being conducted in a backward area of kolhapur District, covering nearly 200 village. The medical team comprises of physician Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Paediatricians, Gynaecologists, ENT surgeons, Cardiologists, Orthopaedicians and General Practitioners.Although the Camp is held For 1 day, the planning Commences months in advance. Post the cam, regular follow up activity is maintained, leading right up to the time to planning for the next camp. Data of every remote village and villagers covered by the camp is maintained by volunteers to meet the exact requirements of the villagers During the recently conclude 2008 mega medical camp, 16 thousand 300 villagers from 200 villages including 7 thousand 634 school children, benefited from the camp.Major Activities Of the camp
1) Free Medical Check-up of Villagers (including students)2) Distributing of medicines free of cost, to the villagers and distribution of medicines, tonics,syrups etc. to school going children twice during year.
3) Distribution of used cloths to villagers and two sets of uniforms to school going children. (uniforms prepare under charakha yojana)4) Distribution of Caps, slippers, sports materials for school children5) Distribution of hygiene material such as purification liquid, anti-lice lotion, tooth powder, soaps, combs etc.This Year Kolhapur Medical Camp organised byShree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation to beheld on 8,9, and 10th Feb at Pendakhale Village of Kolhapur .
The Entire setup done for the Medical camp at Pendakhale village of Kolhapur
Clothes donated by the bhaktas under Old is Gold seva..which are distributed to the families of more than 200 villages whose systematic study is carried by the sevakaris of Kolhapur round the year.
Sport items donated to Students of 634 schools which include Stumps,Cricket Bat,VolleyBall,Foot Ball,Skipping Ropes,Cap,Candles and Match Sticks(Under Vidya Prakash Yojna ..which help them study during Night.
Volunteers of the organisation Analyzing the Sports Distribution Material
A Villeger watching the Ongoing Activities carried out at the camp
Truck Filled with Distribution Items moving towards remote Villages
People of the Villages sitting in orderly manner for their turn to get the items distributed by Aniruddha Upasna Trust...Which Include Clothes,Utensils,Comb,Nail Cutter,Chlorine to purify water,Soaps,Washing Powder...etc
Children taking Bapu's Gajar
A Lady from the village taking all the items on behalf of her family
Children dancing on Bapu's Gajar
An old Villager Happy For Receiving a jacket and "Rajai" Under Mayechi Ub activity started by Nandai ..where under these seva bhaktas prepare Rajai from old saris stitching by hand.
An old Villager immediately wearing the distributed Coat.
School Children of Each School with their Hoarding after receiving School Dress prepares from the Sut the Bhatas generate by Doing the Charkha Seva nearly 8000 Dresses were distributed,Also Slippers,Caps,Candles & Matchsticks were distributed to each Student
School children from another school happy on receiving sports material.
All the Villagers along with School Children Having Food Under The ANNAPURNA PRASADAM started by Nandai
Opthelmic Checking ...Free Specs according to their vision Number are distributed to the villagers
And Old Villager Getting his Sight checked
Bhaktas and Sevekaris enjoying the Satsang on the Last Day of the Camp
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